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【主  题】:XRD peak width and its engineering applications   X射线衍射峰宽度及其工程应用
【主讲人】:JI Vincent(嵇宁)教授,法国巴黎南大学表面与涂层研究室主任、材料系主任
【时  间】:2013年11月1日(星期五)下午14:30-16:30
【地  点】:机电学院大会议室(机械工程楼Z802B)
【主  办】:研究生工作部
【承  办】:机电学院
嵇宁教授,博导,法国巴黎南大学表面与涂层研究室主任、材料系主任。北京航空航天大学材料系本科毕业,巴黎南大(Universite Paris-Sud)冶金和材料学硕士,国立高等工程技术学院(Arts et Metier ParisTech)材料和力学博士,先后担任国立高等工程技术学院(Arts et Metier ParisTech)材料系系主任,巴黎南大分子化学和材料学院表面与涂层研究室主任,巴黎南大材料系主任。北京交通大学机电学院客座教授。主要研究晶体材料微观结构与力学性能的关系,工程材料表面失效分析,工程材料残余应力分析,X射线衍射应力分析技术的开发与应用方面的研究工作,主持过多项欧共体、法国科研部和法国国家科学研究中心的科研项目。在国际上率先提出即时(in-situ)X射线涂层材料表面力学性能测试思想和X射线小角度衍射测量应力梯度的方法,系统研究了涂层材料残余应力分布、外加载应力及涂层材料的本构关系与材料微观结构的联系,在国际上被广泛引用。在SCI收录的国际学术刊物上合作发表了130多篇论文。
The non-destructive determination of the superficial mechanical proprieties is indispensable for the qualification of the fabrication process and for the service duration estimation in aggressive environment. X-ray diffraction XRD technique is non-destructive and can be used to determine microscopic internal stresses from the broadening of the XRD peaks.
The average magnitude of XRD peak broadening is related directly to the hardness, the elastic limit or degree of cold work of the material which can be used as a means of quantifying the surface mechanical properties. With an empirical relationship between the XRD peak width and the conventional mechanical proprieties, such as hardness, elastic limit, hard work degree, the superficial mechanical characteristics can be estimated from diffraction peak width for just finished parts or for maintenance pieces. The study has been carried out for nickel base alloy, for aluminium alloys and for carbon steels; Several TEM observations are also realized for microstructure observations.