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【主  题】:A Strategy for Continuous Improvement in Education Applied to Mechanical Engineering 
【主讲人】Roger W. Mayne  教授,美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校
【时  间】20121112日(星期一)下午1410-1630
【地  点】:机电学院大会议室(机械工程楼Z802B
【主  办】:研究生工作部
【承  办】:机电学院
Dr. Mayne, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor has taught courses within the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department and also in the Systems Engineering Program, a joint offering of the Electrical Engineering and the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Departments.  These courses include an introductory course in Systems Analysis which involves modeling and simulation of electrical, mechanical and fluid systems as well as a first course in automatic control emphasizing the study of linear continuous control systems.  This later course has been broadcast on closed circuit television to employees of several industrial firms. In addition, Dr. Mayne has taught a course in discrete time control systems which involves the theory of sampled data systems and the application of real-time computing in automatic control.  At the graduate level, he has offered a course in Fluid Power Control, concerned with hydraulic, pneumatic and fluidic systems.  All of these systems courses have included laboratory work which relates theory to actual hardware.  The courses currently include C++ for real-time control, LabView for data acquisition and control and PLCs for control applications.