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【主  题】:Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Coal Characterization in Coal-Fired Power Plants
【主讲人】:Carlos Romero 教授,美国里海大学能源研究中心副主任、首席科学家
【时  间】:20121127日(星期二)下午1430-1630
【地  点】:机械工程楼九层活动室
【主  办】:研究生工作部
【承  办】:机电学院
    Dr. Carlos Romero is an Associate Director and Principal Research Scientist at the Energy Research Center, Lehigh University.  Dr. Romero has over twenty-five years of experience in power generation, coal and combustion research.  His research interests are in the areas of chemical kinetics and applied combustion, emissions control and performance improvement for power plants, instrumentation and control to the power industry.  He has participated in research projects for electrical utilities in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe and China.  Dr. Romero has written more than 250 journal publications, conference papers and technical reports, and a U.S. Patent.  His teaching interests are in the areas of combustion, thermo-fluids engineering and power generation technologies.
    Coal characterization and prediction of slagging behavior has reached great relevance for coal-fired power plant operators.  Especially, for units subject to large fuel quality variability, fuel switching and coal blending. Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) were used in the development of an on-line system for in-situ coal characterization.  Demonstration of the system was carried out at several US power plants to measure elemental composition of the coal supply, heating value and ash fusion temperature with great measurement repeatability and accuracy.