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【主  题】:Radical Motion of Bubbles in the Mushy Zone(气泡在固液两相区的运动)
【主讲人】:韩青有  教授,美国普渡大学材料加工研究中心主任
【时  间】:2013513日(星期一)下午1430-1700
【地  点】:机电学院大会议室(机械工程楼Z802B
【主  办】:研究生工作部
【承  办】:机电学院
    Bubbles usually form during solidification of an alloy having a large solubility of gas in the liquid but a negligible solubility of gas in the solid.  These bubbles become pores in a solidified casting, deteriorating the mechanical properties, notably the fatigue life of the alloys. In situ observation of pore formation in metallic alloys is difficult because of their opacity. Transparent organic materials are uniquely suitable for studying bubble formation during solidification. This talk describes the patterns of bubble motion in the mushy zone of cyclohexane under directional solidification conditions. W orm-like or elongated bubbles are formed at low growth rates of the solid.  At high growth rates, radical motions of bubbles in the mushy zone occur. Often, bubbles jump at great speeds from location to location towards higher temperature regions, or high liquid fraction regions in the mushy zone.  If the growth rate of the solid is suddenly decreased or stopped, these radical motions of bubble, or even eruption of bubbles, usually occur at the freezing front. It is believed that these types of radical motion of bubbles in the mushy zone strongly affect the final distribution and the size of pores in a solidifying casting.