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【主  题】: Deformation Processing Research–Near Isothermal Ring Rolling for Large Parts
【主讲人】: Joseph Domblesky 美国马凯特大学机械工程系学术委员会主席
【时  间】:201366日(星期四)上午1000-1200
【地  点】:机电学院大会议室(机械工程楼Z802B
【主  办】:研究生工作部
【承  办】:机电学院
Joseph P. Domblesky, Ph.D., P.E., Professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Professsor Domblesky has obtained his doctor’s degree in Industrial & Systems Engineering at Ohio State University in 1994, and he got his MS and BS in Industrial & Management Systems Engineering at Pennsylvania State University. His current researches mainly include hot forging research, forging die surface topography, and high temperature measurement of workpieces in open and closed die processes focusing on infrared pyrometer techniques, etc. Professor Domblesky has published 20 journal papers and 22 conference papers. He is Faculty member (tenured) with academic teaching duties in manufacturing processes, materials processing, and materials science. Conduct sponsored research and supervise graduate and undergraduate students researchers. Develop and conduct industrial outreach activities with industry and manufacturing companies and special short courses for high school students. Chair and participate on departmental and university committees.
Joseph P. Domblesky博士是美国威斯康辛州的马凯特大学机械工程系教授。Joseph1994年在Ohio State University获得工业和系统工程学科博士学位,并在宾夕法尼亚州立大学分别获得硕士和学士学位。他的研究领主要涉及到热锻研究,锻模形貌研究,基于红外测试技术的开模和封闭模中工件的高温测试研究,等等。Domblesky教授共发表期刊和会议论文42篇。他是马凯特大学机械工程系学术委员会主席和马凯特大学学术委员会委员。