时间:2015-05-21 05:53:00 来源: 研究生 作者:
【主 题】:Recent Progress in Understanding Physical Properties of MAX Phases (MAX相的物理性能的研究进展)
【主讲人】:Sylvain Dubois教授,法国普瓦捷大学科研副校长
【时 间】:2015年5月25日(星期一)上午10:00-12:00
【地 点】:机电学院大会议室(机械工程楼Z802B)
【主 办】:研究生工作部
【承 办】:机电学院
Professor Sylvain Dubois is the Chief of the departement of Chemistry of the Poitiers Institute of Technology. He is the vice-president of the Poitiers University, in charge of research, since 2012.
He has published 70+ articles in scientific ISI journals, hindex="21,about 1760 citations, 70 oral communications in International Congress; 10 invited lectures; 2 book chapters. He was an organizer of 3 symposiums on MAX phases (Pittsburgh, Daytona Beach and Houston (USA)), is a referee for different journals: Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Physical Review B, etc.
His main research activities are: synthesis and properties of nano-materials; MAX phases-nanolaminated materials and related properties; relationship between micro or nano-structure and physical properties; studied materials: Magnetic nanowires, superconducting nanowires, multilayered nanowires-Relation between the reduced dimension of the object under study and the scaling length of the physical property – such a project led him to work during 4 years with Pr. A. Fert (Nobel Prize in physics in 2007).
Sylvain Dubois教授是普瓦捷技术研究院化学系主任,自2012年起担任普瓦捷大学副校长,主管科研工作。
他的主要研究领域包括:纳米材料的合成和性能;MAX相-纳米层状材料材料及相关性能;微型或纳米结构和物理性能之间的关系;研究的材料:磁性纳米线,超导纳米线,多层纳米线在减小尺寸和物理特性的缩放长度之间的关系--这个项目使他有机会与 A.费尔教授(2007年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者)一起工作四年。
MAX phases are a large family (more than 70 phases) of ternary ceramics with a composition of Mn+1AXn, where M stands for an early transition metal, A represents a group A element (mostly from groups 13 and 14 in the periodic table), X stands for carbon and/or nitrogen, and n="1," 2, or 3. There are three classes of MAX phases, grouped by the value of n: M2AX (211), M3AX2 (312), and M4AX3 (413). The MAX phases are unique materials that combine most of the advantages of both metals and ceramics. Like metals, they are good electronic and thermal conductors, and they are also machinable; like ceramics, they have high oxidation, fatigue, and creep resistance, in addition to high stiffness. MAX phases have a hexagonal layered structure with space group P63/mmc. Most of the MAX phases that were successfully synthesized are of 211 composition, while fewer of them are 312 and 413. In this talk, the author will focus on the relationship between nanolayered structure and mechanical, transport properties of MAX phases.
MAX相是一大族三元层状陶瓷(目前已经超过70多种),化学式为Mn+1AXn,其中M代表过渡族元素,A代表IIIA和IVA族元素,X代表碳或氮,n=1、2、3。MAX相按n值不同可以分为M2AX (211相), M3AX2 (312相)和M4AX3 (413相)三种。MAX相陶瓷是一种同时具有陶瓷和金属优良特性的材料。像金属一样具有良好的导电性和导热性,也具有优良的机械加工性能;像陶瓷一样具有高的抗氧化、抗疲劳和抗蠕变的性能,此外还有高刚度特性。MAX相是六方层状结构,空间群为P63/mmc。目前成功制备的MAX 相主要为211相,少数的312、413也能被成功制备了。在本报告中,作者主要讲述MAX 相纳米层状结构与其优良的力学特性和输运特性的关系。