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时间:2014-12-13 11:38:00  来源: 研究生  作者:

【主  题】:Preceramic Paper-Derived Ceramics 新型衍生陶瓷——陶瓷先驱体纸
【主讲人】:Nahum Travitzky教授,德国埃尔兰根-纽伦堡大学
【时  间】:2014年12月16日(星期二)下午14:10-16:00
【地  点】:机电学院大会议室(机械工程楼Z802B)
【主  办】:研究生工作部
【承  办】:机电学院
Professor Nahum Travitzky is Leader of Advanced Ceramic Processing and Additive Manufacturing Group at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Department of Materials Science, Glass and Ceramics, Germany Since 2002. His current research activities pertain to design, advanced processing and characterization of ceramic-based materials with the focus on ceramic–metal composites, preceramic paper and polymer-derived ceramics. He is author and co-author of more than 130 scientific publications in the international journals and 24 patents. He presented more than 40 invited and keynote lectures.
Travitzky is reviewer for more than 20 International Journals. He is also reviewer for various national and international research foundations. He participated in various national (eg. Rapid Prototyping, DKG, Germany) and international (eg. EUROMAT, Europe; MS&T, USA; ICACC, USA) conferences organizing committees. He was and is guest editor for Ceramic Forum International, Advanced Engineering Materials, Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology etc.
Nahum Travitzky教授自2002年起担任德国埃尔兰根-纽伦堡大学材料科学与工程学院先进陶瓷加工和添加剂制造课题组组长。目前主要研究领域为:陶瓷基金属复合材料、陶瓷先驱体纸和聚合物—衍生陶瓷的设计、先进加工和特性研究等。在国际期刊上已发表论文130多篇,获得专利24项,在国际会议上做邀请报告或主题报告40多次。
Novel class of preceramic paper may serve as a preform to manufacture lightweight as well as multilayer ceramic products. Based on well established paper processing techniques fabrication of cellular components of variable geometry, size, and complexity can be achieved. In this talk, the formation, microstructure and properties of preceramic papers and their conversion into ceramic materials will be discussed. Oxide as well non-oxide ceramics were processed into single sheet, corrugated structures and multilayer ceramics. A high filler loading and uniform distribution of ceramic fillers involves control of colloidal surface inter-action including electrostatic, electrosteric and mechanical retention mechanisms. Sintering of oxide loaded preceramic paper in air results in highly porous products with the porosity shape and distribution templated by the pulp fiber used in paper making. In the case of carbide loaded paper, dense composite materials are obtained by reactive infiltration processing. Anisotropic properties of machine fabricated preceramic paper and bonding interfaces in multilayer stacks give rise to anisotropic mechanical properties of resulting ceramic composites. Non-catastrophic failure was observed when tensile loading stress was applied parallel to the interfaces (in-plane loading). Due to the flexibility in shaping, stacking and the ability to apply computer aided manufacturing (eg. laminated object manufacturing) and the versability of chemical compositions, the preceramic paper offers an economical approach to process lightweight ceramics with tailored macro- and microscopic porosities for a broad field of applications.