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时间:2014-07-07 10:50:00  来源: 研究生  作者:

【主  题】: Frontiers of Sensing and Computational Intelligence for Advanced Manufacturing 先进制造中的传感和计算智能前沿
【主讲人】: Robert Gao教授,美国康涅狄格大学机械工程学院讲座教授
【时  间】:2014年7月11日(星期五)下午14:30-16:00
【地  点】:机电学院大会议室(机械工程楼Z802B)
【主  办】:研究生工作部
【承  办】:机电学院
Dr. Robert Gao is the Pratt & Whitney Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Connecticut, and founding member of the Pratt & Whitney Center of Excellence for Sensing, Control, and Diagnostics of Propulsion Systems. His research focuses on physics-based sensing methodologies, wireless communication, and multi-resolution signal analysis for the health monitoring, diagnosis, and prognosis of dynamical systems, such as manufacturing machines and processes. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, ASME, and SME, Associate Editor for the ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering and IFAC Journal of Mechatronics, Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, and elected member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
罗伯特·高博士是康涅狄格大学机械工程学院讲座教授,是普拉特惠特尼(Pratt & Whitney)驱动系统传感、控制与诊断系统研究中心的创始成员。他的研究主要集中在基于物理的传感技术、无线通信和动态系统(如机械制造加工过程)健康监测、诊断和预测中的信号多分辨率分析。高教授同时担任IEEE、ASME和SME协会会员,ASME制造科学与工程期刊和IFAC机电一体化期刊的副主编,IEEE仪器仪表与测量协会杰出讲座学者,康涅狄格科学与工程学会当选理事。
As the complexity of manufacturing machines increases, there is growing demand for advanced sensing and computational methods that improve the observability in manufacturing by monitoring machine operations in-situ, detecting the onset and progression of structural defects, diagnosing the root cause of the defects, and predicting the remaining service life of the machine, before the defects lead to reduced product quality, unexpected machine downtime, and damage to the equipment. This talk presents an overview of research in the Electromechanical Systems Laboratory, in the areas of embedded sensing and computational methods for diagnosis and prognosis of machine tools. The talk highlights the potential of integrating sensing and advanced analytics for advancing the science base and state-of-technology in manufacturing.