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时间:2014-06-07 04:16:00  来源: 研究生  作者:

【报告人】:Bruce R Ellingwood 院士
【主  题】:Managing risks to civil infrastructure due to natural hazards: communicating long-term risks due to climate change
【时  间】:2014年6月9日(星期一)10:00~11:30
【地  点】:科学会堂
【主  办】:研究生工作部
【Bruce R Ellingwood院士简介】:
    Dr. Ellingwood currently is Distinguished Professor at Colorado State University. He is internationally recognized as an authority on structural load modeling, reliability and risk analysis of engineered facilities, and as a leader in the technical development and implementation of probability‑based codified design standards for building structures. Dr. Ellingwood directed the development of the probability-based load criteria for limit states design that appear in ASCE Standard 7 on Minimum Design Loads, the AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, and ACI Standard 318 on Structural Concrete.
    He has authored over 400 research papers and reports, is Editor of Structural Safety, and serves on five other editorial boards.  He has held numerous leadership positions in professional societies, and his research and professional service have garnered numerous awards from the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Institute of Steel Construction and other professional organizations. Dr. Ellingwood is a member of the National Academy of Engineering。
    Bruce R Ellingwood教授现任佐治亚理工大学土木与环境工程学院特聘教授,美国工程院院士,国际公认的结构安全评估和风险分析领域的权威。他主导了基于概率的极限状态设计准则的发展,并引领着建筑结构设计规范的逐步完善。Ellingwood教授现为结构防灾领域最具影响力的期刊Structural Safety的主编,同时兼任其他五本著名学术期刊的编委。Ellingwood教授曾任美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)标准委员会副主席、结构工程师协会主席。多次荣获美国土木工程师学会各种奖励,同时还是美国土木工程师学会杰出荣誉会员。Ellingwood教授共发表学术论文300余篇,SCI论文超过200篇。此外,他在教育方面也有杰出贡献,在他指导下的博士生遍布世界各地、活跃于国际学术界和工业界。另外值得一提的是,Ellingwood教授对中国学生非常欣赏,共指导了10余名中国留学生获得博士学位,在所有国家中是最多的。
    Hurricanes and tropical cyclones, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods are paramount among the most devastating and costly natural disasters affecting the economic, social and political well-being of modern society and impacting civil infrastructure.   The potential exists for even larger losses in the future, given that population and infrastructure development in hazard-prone areas worldwide are increasing dramatically.  Notwithstanding recent advances in natural hazards assessment, uncertainties in natural hazard occurrence, intensity and the response of buildings, bridges, transportation networks and lifelines are among the largest of the uncertainties that confront engineers and managers of civil infrastructure.  The interdependence of spatially distributed civil infrastructure facilities must be considered when assessing their performance during and following the occurrence of extreme hazards, which typically have large geographic footprints.  Moreover, the potential effects of global climate change on both the frequency and severity of extreme events from natural hazards and their effect on civil facilities have become a major concern for decision makers.   Finally, certain civil infrastructure facilities have service periods that may extend well beyond the service lives of 50 – 100 years that have been traditional for most civil infrastructure projects.  Risk-informed decision frameworks that consider facility performance over service periods that extend across multiple generations have received only limited attention.   Management of the risk that civil infrastructure will fail to perform as intended must be an interdisciplinary effort, one that involves the coordinated activities of engineers, computer and information technologists, social/behavioral/economic scientists and regulatory authorities. This presentation will highlight some of the significant research challenges facing these disciplines, both individually and collectively, and will emphasize the need to embrace uncertainty and communicate risk at different levels to persuade decision-makers of the need for appropriate action.