时间:2014-04-15 05:25:00 来源: 研究生 作者:
【报告人】:James M. Tien (田家美) 院士
【主 题】: Big Data in a U. S. perspective
【时 间】:2014年4月21日(星期一)13:50~15:20
【地 点】:北京交通大学科学会堂
【主 办】:研究生工作部
【James M. Tien (田家美) 院士简介】:
田家美 (JAMES M. TIEN) 博士是国际著名的学者和教育家,是美国最有威望的国家工程院院士之一,于1966年在美国伦塞利尔理工学院获得电子工程学士学位,分别于1967年和1972年在麻省理工学院获得硕士和博士学位。现任迈阿密大学工学院院长、杰出教授。主要学术研究领域是计算机和系统分析技术在信息和决策系统中的发展与应用。曾担任国际电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)总会副主席、执行委员会主席、产品委员会主席、期刊委员会主席等重要职务,IEEE《系统、人和控制论》学报主编,在国际学术界享有盛誉。田院士在工程管理领域具有很高的学术成就和学术声誉,在国际学术团体中具有很高的声望。
In 2014, it is projected that about 5 zettabytes (or 10**21 bits) of digital data are being generated per year by everything from underground physics experiments to retail transactions to global positioning systems to the Internet of Things. In the U. S., programs are being funded to deal with Big Data in all five sectors (i.e., services, manufacturing, construction, agriculture and mining) of the economy. While the focus of this paper is on Big Data from a U. S. perspective, it should be emphasized that data – especially big data – is worthless for decision making unless it is analyzed or processed to yield critical information which can then be employed to make informed decisions. Big Data is poised to add greater value to businesses; to understand planet earth; to solve science and engineering problems; to enhance the World Wide Web; and to aid national security agencies. It should be noted that Big Data is not a panacea for all analytical problems; nevertheless, it can support informed – yet, not necessarily defensible or knowledgeable – decisions or choices. More specifically, it can somewhat overcome data quality issues with data quantity, data access restrictions with on-demand cloud computing, causative analysis with correlative data analytics, and model-driven with evidence-driven applications.