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时间:2013-12-16 06:48:00  来源: 研究生  作者:

【主  题】:Phase-field simulation of microstructure evolution and effective properties in engineering alloys. 相场模拟工程合金微组织结构变化和性能
【主讲人】:盛广 博士,美国Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation公司高级科学家
【时  间】:2013年12月17日(星期二)下午14:30-16:30
【地  点】:机械工程楼Z308教室
【主  办】:研究生工作部
【承  办】:机电学院

    盛广博士现任美国Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation 公司高级科学家,主要研究兴趣包括相场方法模拟金属,合金以及陶瓷材料的相变和材料微观组织结构,金属加工成型过程中的有限元模拟,以及材料组织-结构性能的多尺度材料计算模型开发。盛广博士先后于美国宾夕法尼亚大学(2011),清华大学(2006)和合肥工业大学(2003)获得材料科学与工程博士,硕士和学士学位。在计算材料科学,金属材料和应用物理领域的国际高水平期刊上发表了约30篇论文,得到国内外同行大量引用,同时担任十多种国际期刊的审稿人。盛广博士现任美国TMS(The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society) Alloy Phase Committee 和 Young Leader Committee member,所获得的荣誉包括TMS Young Leader Award (2013), Materials Research Society Silver Award (2010), MATPAC (Materials Pennsylvania Coalition) Outstanding Graduate Student Award (2010), American Ceramic Society Graduate Excellence Award (2008) 以及中国政府优秀海外留学生奖学金 (2010)。

    Essentially all engineering materials contain certain types of microstructures, and our success of designing new materials is largely dependent on our ability to control them. In this presentation, we will demonstrate how computational modeling can help predicting the precipitate microstructure evolution and effective properties in typical engineering alloys. Two examples will be given in this talk: in the first topic, a three-dimensional phase-field model is employed to study the coarsening kinetics of gamma prime precipitates in Ni-base alloys with different Mo concentration. It is observed that increasing Mo content lead to a change of the precipitate morphology from being cuboidal to spherical as well as a reduction in the coarsening rate. Comparison between simulated results and existing experimental microstructure morphologies and coarsening rates shows good agreements. In the 2nd part, a combination of mircoelasticity, phase-field description of grain structures, and first-principle calculations is proposed to predict the effective elastic properties of polycrystals. As an example, using the single crystal elastic constants from first-principle calculations and a polycrystalline microstructure from a phase-field simulation as inputs, the effective elastic moduli of polycrystalline magnesium are obtained as a function of temperature and compared with available experimental measurements. The texture effect on the effective elastic moduli is also examined.