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机器人控制系统 机械系统动力学 现代机械创新设计 |
少自由度并联机器人真实运动研究,2007-2009 对称结构的非过约束4自由度和5自由度并联机器人机构综合方法研究,2004-2006 机器人通过奇异位形的轨迹控制方法研究,1999-2001 2、主持的其他项目 国家教委回国人员科研基金项目"高稳定性滑动轴承的优化设计"1994-1996 中科院沈阳机器人学开放实验室基金项目"工业机器人通过奇异位形的控制方法研究"1998-1999 铁道部科研基金项目"隧道消防机器人总体设计与关键技术研究"2001-2003 高等学校博士点基金"装配误差对并联机器人运动特性影响的分析"2006-2008 3、参与的项目 七五攻关项目"六自由度并联机器人的理论与实验研究";1984-1987 英国Loughborough 大学的研究项目"轿车前桥的运动特性研究"1988-1989 英国Staffordshire 大学科研项目"新型变阻抗滑动轴承的研制"1990-1994 国家自然科学基金项目"三自由度并联机器人运动特性的研究"1994-1996 国家863项目"欠秩并联机器人机构特性的主螺旋分析" 1998- 国家863项目"西安铁路信号厂CIMS工程"1998- |
机械原理 研究生课程: 机器人机构学 |
2009年: 1. 郭盛,方跃法.基于螺旋理论的单闭环多自由度过约束机构综合,机械工程学报(已录用) 2. 韩书葵,方跃法.少自由度并联机构真实运动分析,机械工程学报(已经录用). 3. 曲海波,方跃法,郭盛.一种少自由度并联机器人雅克比分析的新方法,北京交通大学学报(已录用) 4. 郭盛,方跃法.基于等效并联机构的四足步行机器人运动分析,高技术通讯, 2009,19(4) 5. Qiang Zeng, Yuefa Fang. Structural Synthesis of Serial-Parallel Hybrid Mechanisms Based on Representation and Operation of Logical Matrix, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics,2009,1(041003):1-10 6. 郭盛,方跃法.单闭环一自由度过约束机构解析综合,中国机械工程,2009,20(4)383-388 7. 张克涛,方跃法,郭盛.新型3自由度并联机构的设计与分析,机械工程学报,2009, 45(1):68-72 2008年: 1. 槐创锋,方跃法,郭盛. 双足机器人的鲁棒自适应复合控制器设计,中国机械工程,2008.4,19(7): 834-837. 2. 槐创锋,方跃法,郭盛. 基于自适应网络的动态双足机器人模糊控制,北京交通大学学报,2008.2,32(1): 108-111. 3. 槐创锋,方跃法.5连杆双足机器人建模和控制系统仿真, 系统仿真学报, 2008.10, 20(177): 5682-5687. 2007年:
1. 郭盛,方跃法.并联机器人机构综合方法比较研究,北京交通大学学报, 2007, 31(1):41-45.(EI) 2. 郭盛, 方跃法. 非过约束五自由度并联机构存在性问题的解析判定, 中国机械工程, 2007,18(2):2647-2651.(EI) 3. 郭盛, 方跃法.可实现空间取放作业的4自由度并联机器人机构综合, 机器人, 2007, 29(5):417-422. 4. 郭盛, 方跃法. 避免约束奇异的平动并联机器人设计方法, 兵工学报, 2007, 28(28):975-980.(EI) 5. ZHU Dachang, FANG Yuefa. Adaptive control of parallel manipulator via fuzzy neural network algorithm. Journal of Control Theory and Application, 2007,5(3): 295-300. (EI) 6. 朱大昌,方跃法. 4-RRCR 型并联机构动平台关联运动特性分析.自然科学进展,2007, 17(7) 2006年: 无 2005年: 1. 郭盛,方跃法,避免设计位形下发生平台奇异的3自由度转动并联机器人设计方法,中国机械工程,2005年第一期,P8-11 2. 郭盛,方跃法,用于姿态调节的并联机器人设计方法,兵工学报,2005,5,100-104 3. 房海蓉,方跃法,郭盛.四自由度对称并联机器人结构综合的方法研究,北京航空航天大学学报,2005, 31(3):346-350 2004年: 1. Yuefa Fang, Lungwen Tsai, Enumeration of a class of overconstrained mechanisms using the theory of reciprocal screws, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2004, No.9, pp.1175-1187 (SCI,EI) 2. Yuefa Fang, Lungwen Tsai, Analytical Identification of Limb Structures for Translational Parallel Manipulators, Journal of Robotic Systems, 2004, No.5, pp.209-218 (SCI, EI) 3. Yuefa Fang, Lungwen Tsai, Structure Synthesis of a Class of 3-DOF Rotational Parallel Manipulators, IEEE Transactions, Robotics and Automation ,2004, No.2, pp.117-121 (SCI, EI) 4. 郭盛,方跃法,利用吴方法求解3自由度并联机器人位置正解,北方交通大学学报,2004年第一期,P84-86 5. 郭盛,方跃法,5自由度并联机器人设计方法,机器人,2004年第3期,241-245 (EI) 6. 郭盛,方跃法,一种可以实现救援对接的4自由度并联机器人设计方法,中国安全科学学报,2004年第8期,P22-24 7. Fang Hairong, Fang Yuefa, Guo sheng.structure synthesis of 4-dof parallel robot mechanisms based on the screw theory,chinese journal of mechanical engineering,2004,(4):pp486-489(机械工程学报) 8. 房海蓉,方跃法,胡明, 3转动1移动并联机器人机构的结构综合,北方交通大学学报Vol.28, No.4,2004:72-75 2003年: 1. Yuefa Fang and Lung-Wen Tsai, Feasible Motion Solutions for Serial Manipulators at Singular Configurations, ASME Transactions, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol.125, No.1 2003.(SCI) 2. Yuefa Fang and Lung-Wen Tsai, Inverse Velocity and Singularity Analysis of Low-DOF Serial Manipulators, Journal of Robotic Systems, 20(4), 2003(SCI) 3. Hu Zhunqing, Fang Hairong, Fang Yuefa. Study and Simulation of Manipulator Kinematic Solution at Singular Configurations.系统仿真学报,2003,15(6):826-829 4. Hu Zhunqing, Fang Hairong, Fang Yuefa. Simulation Analysis of Low-DOF Serial Manipulator. 系统仿真学报,2003,15(5):693-695 5. 胡准庆, 房海蓉, 方跃法. 机器人精确轨迹控制方法的研究.中国安全科学学报.2003, 13(3):8-11 2002年: 1. Yuefa Fang and Lung-Wen Tsai, Structural Synthesis of 4-DOF and 5-DOF Parallel Manipulators with Identical Limbs, The International Journal of Robotics Research, 21(9),2002,799-810 (SCI) 2. Z. Huang, J. Wang and Y. F. Fang, Analysis of Instantaneous Motion of Deficient-Rank 3-RPS Parallel Manipulators.Mechanisms and Machine Theory, 37(3): 229-240, 2002(SCI) 3. 房海蓉, 胡准庆, 方跃法. 基于神经网络的机器人智能控制. 机器人技术及应用, 2002,No 4 4. 胡准庆,房海蓉, 方跃法, 解决机器人奇异性问题的新型控制方法 测试技术学报2002年B第16卷增刊No.7:1397-1340 5. 方跃法,陈集 "机器人通过奇异位形的控制方法",齐齐哈尔大学学报, 第18卷, 第1期, 2002年,67-70 6. 方跃法,房海蓉,牟建斌 "并联机器人误差敏感系数及其在工作空间的分布",北方交通大学学报,第24卷, 第4期, 2002年,38-42 7. 孙孟庆,方跃法"内燃机振动力平衡的质心位移法研究",北方交通大学学报,第24卷, 第4期, 2002年,88-92 8. 房海蓉,方跃法等,"基于神经网络的机器人智能控制",机器人技术与应用,2002年, 第4期,28-32 2001年之前: 1. Yuefa Fang,Zhen Huang“Analytical Identification of the Principal Screws of the Third Order Screw System" Mechanisms and Machine Theory, 1998,33(7):987-992 [SCI 检索] 2. Yuefa Fang and Z. Huang“Kinematics of a Three-Degree-of-Freedom-Parallel Robot”, Mech. Mach. Theory, 1997, 32(7):789-796 [SCI 检索] 3. Yuefa Fang, Zhen Huang, "Dynamic Model of a three-degree-of-freedom parallel robot" Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.10, No.1, 1997 5. Zhen Huang, Yuefa Fang, "Kinematic characteristics analysis of three DOF in-parallel actuated pyramid mechanisms", Mechanisms and Machine Theory, Vol.31, No.8, 1996, pp1009-1018 [SCI检索] 6. Zhen Huang, W. S. Tao and Yuefa Fang, "Study on the kinematic characteristics of three DOF in-parallel actuated platform mechanisms", Mechanisms and Machine Theory, Vol.31, No.8, 1996, pp999-1007 [SCI检索] 7. Zhang Wenxiang, Fang Yuefa, "Kinematical classification of gearing types and proof of two theorems of gearing", Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China), Vol.2, No.2, Dec.1996, pp92-96 9. M.J.Goodwin, P.J.Ogrodnik, M.P.Roach, L.K.Lim, Y.Fang, "Steady load-carrying capacity of recessed hydrodynamic bearings" Proceedings of IMechE, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 1995, Vol.209, No.4, pp255-262 [EI检索] 11. P. J. Ogrodnik, M. J. Goodwin, M. P. Roach, Y. Fang "A novel variable impedance oil film bearing part 1: theoretical modeling" Proceedings of IMechE, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 1996, Vol.210, No.1, pp55-63 [EI检索] 12. P. J. Ogrodnik, M. J. Goodwin, Y. Fang, M. P. Roach "A novel variable impedance oil film bearing part 2: experimental identification of the steady state and dynamic characteristics" Proceedings of IMechE, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 1996, Vol.210, No.1, pp65-74 [EI检索] 16.方跃法,黄真"三自由度并联机器人操作平台的主螺旋识别" 中国机械工程,1999年第三期 17.方跃法,李建勇,鄂明成"滑动轴承动力系数识别的广义逆矩阵法" 北方交通大学学报, 第23卷, 第1期, 1999年 18.李忠,方跃法 "基于框架式模糊推理专家系统的机车柴油机磨损故障智能诊断",铁道学报, 第21卷,第3期, 1999, 23-27 19.方跃法,孙宇,查建中 "机器人奇异位形分析的线几何方法" 机械设计与研究,增刊,1998年10月 20.李忠,方跃法,李大融"基于神经网络扩展内容寻址的彩色磨粒智能识别机研究与实现" 北方交通大学学报, 第22卷, 第4期, 1998年, 87-92
21.方跃法,鄂明成,李忠,李建勇 "可变阻抗滑动轴承动力系数的试验测试",北方交通大学学报, 第22卷, 第4期, 1998年, 93-96 22.方跃法, "滑动轴承动力系数测试精度分析", 燕山大学学报, 第22卷, 第1期, 1998年, 90-92 23.房海蓉, 姚进, 方跃法, "一种新型变几何桁架机器人机构位置分析", 北方交通大学学报, 第22卷, 第1期, 1998年, 81-85 24.方跃法, 黄真, "三阶螺旋系主螺旋识别的解析方法", 机械工程学报, 1997年, 第6期, 8-13 25.方跃法,黄真, "三自由度3-RPS并联机器人机构的运动分析", 机械科学与技术, 1997年, 第1期, 82-88 26.方跃法, 黄真, "平面三自由度机器人的有限灵活工作空间研究", 东北重型机械学院学报, 1997年, 第三期, 196-200
27.方跃法, "可变刚度滑动轴承静态特性的实验研究" 东北重型机械学院学报, 1997年, 第2期, 108-110 28.黄真, 方跃法, "三自由度并联角台机构转轴存在的子空间", 东北重型机械学院学报, 1997年, 第2期, 95-99 29.方跃法, "可变阻抗滑动轴承的动力系数计算", 机械设计, 1997年, 第10期, 14-17 30.方跃法, "滑动轴承动力系数计算的压力扰动法", 现代机械, 1997年12月 31.方跃法, "可变阻抗滑动轴承的动态特性及其对转子不平衡响应的影响", 北方交通大学学报, 第21卷, 第4期, 1997年, 454-458 32.方跃法,黄真 "建立并联机器人影响系数矩阵的虚位移法", 全国博士后学术交流会论文集, 学苑出版社, 1996年1月, 北京:7-11 33.方跃法, 黄真, "三自由度3-RPS并联机器人机构的运动特性分析" 机械科学与技术, 1996年, 第四期, 929-934 34.方跃法, 黄真, "并联机器人机构学研究进展", 全国自动化和机器人学术研讨会论文集《机械工业的未来》, 北京航空航天大学出版社, 1996年6月, 北京:221-226 35.方跃法, "滑动轴承动力学系数的实验测试", 润滑与密封, 1996年6月, 第四期, 56-59 36.张文祥, 方跃法, "齿轮啮合第一定律证明的螺旋理论方法" 东北重型机械学院学报, 1996年, 第三期, 218-222 37.黄真、方跃法"六自由度并联机器人的随机位姿误差分析",东北重型机械学院学报 1989年 第三期 38.黄真、方跃法"机器人机构误差分析", 东北重型机械学院学报 1988年第二期 39.黄真、方跃法 "直动输入的空间机构的位置分析", 东北重型机械学院学报 1987年第二期 会议论文: 1. Naiyue Wang, Yuefa Fang, Haibo Qu. A Novel Spatial Mechanism for Deployable Structures, Proceedings of the third International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics,Beijing,2009.10,pp.69-74 2. Qiang Zeng, Yuefa Fang. Structural Synthesis of Serial-Parallel Hybrid Mechanisms Via Group Theory and Representation of Logical Matrix, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, June 22 -25, 2009, Zhuhai/Macau, China,pp.1392-1397 3. Haibo Qu, Yuefa Fang, Naiyue Wang. Singularity Evaluation and Avoidance in Motion Control Process of Parallel robots, Proceedings of the third International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics,Beijing,2009.10,pp.585-591 4. Huai Chuangfeng, Fang Yuefa, Zhang Ketao. Gait Design and Stable Control for a Symmetrical Four-legged Robot on Irregular Terrain,Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation.,2008.6, pp: 7455-7459. (EI: 083911600504) 5. Huai Chuangfeng, Fang Yuefa, Zhang Ketao. Robust Controller Design for a Quadruped Walking Robot, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, 2008.9, pp: 389-393. 6. Zhang Ketao, Fang Yuefa, Huai Chuangfeng. Singularity Analysis of a 3-DOF Parallel Manipulator Based on Screw Theory, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing,2008.9, pp:703-707 7. Shukui HAN, Yuefa FANG. The Assemble Errors for Lower DOF Parallel Manipulator. Proceedings of ICMEM 2007 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics .November 5-7, 2007.Wuxi, China[C].1.757-761. 8. Guo Sheng, Fang Yuefa, Huai Chuangfeng, Constraints analysis in the motion control process of parallel robots, Proceedings of the 26th Chinese control conference,2007.7, pp: 123-127. (EI: 080211014951,ISTP: BGW82). 9. Huai Chuangfeng,Fang Yuefa,Guo Sheng,Gait Design and Balance Control for the Biped Robot Based on Reaction Null-space Method,Proceedings of the 26th Chinese control conference,2007.7,pp: 169-173. (EI: 080211015266,Inspec: 9789225,ISTP: BGW82) 10. Huai Chuangfeng, Fang Yuefa, Zhang Ketao. Dynamic modeling and hierarchy control for a symmetrical quadruped robot,International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics,2007.11, pp: 652-657. (IST P:BHL58) 11. Zhang Ketao, Fang Yuefa, Huai Chuangfeng. Design and Kinematics of a Novel Three DOF Parallel Manipulator,International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, 2007.11, pp: 624-629. (ISTP:BHL58). 12. Li Kunquan, Fang Yuefa. Active vibration isolation using 6-RSS parallel mechanism and model predictive control. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics 2007, Vol.1, Wuxi, China, pp: 577-582, 2007. (EI, ISTP). 13. ZHU Dachang, FANG Yuefa. Sliding mode synchronous control for 4-sps(ps) parallel manipulator. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics 2007, Vol.1, Wuxi, China, pp: 741-746, 2007. (EI, ISTP) 14. HAN Shukui, Fang Yuefa. Error analysis and calibration of 3-DOF parallel manipulator. Proceeding of the first international symposium on test automation and instrumentation.2006.September 13-16,Beijing ,China[C].574-578. 15. Guosheng, Fang YueFa, Analysis of constraints linear dependence for parallel manipulators,IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2006ROBIN,KunMing,2006,12,P1054-1058 16. LikunQuan, Fang Yuefa, Dynamic and kinematics model of 6RSS parallel manipulator Proceeding of ICMEM2005 international on the mechanical engineering and achanics,October 26-28,2005,Nanjing,China 17. DachangZhu, Fang Yuefa.Analysis indentification of limb structures at special displacement for parallel manipulator.Proceeding of ICMEM2005 international on the mechanical engineering and achanics,October 26-28,2005,Nanjing,China 18. ZHU Dachang, FENG Yang ping, FANG Yuefa. A novel parallel manipulator design for packing and assembly.IEEE ,2005 6th international conference on electronic packing technology 19. Yuefa Fang, Lungwen Tsai, Precise Path Tracking Through Singular Configurations of 6-DOF Serial Manipulators, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, April 1-4, 2004, Tianjin, China, (ISTP) 20. Guosheng, Fangyuefa, A structural synthesis method for translational parallel manipulators avoided platform singularities,2004 8th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision,P253-256(EI) 21. Guosheng, Fangyuefa, New Parallel Robot For Aiming at Rescue Equipments,proceedings of the 2004 international Symposium on Safety Science and Technology.P2773-2777 22. Fang Hairong,Fang Yuefa,Liu Wei, Yang Yanzhao. Application Study of Fire-fighting Robot for Railway Tunnel Fire Proceedings of the 2004 International Sympsium on Safety Science and Technology October 25-28,2004 Shang hai.china.Science Press Beijing /New York ISBN 7-03-014386-8.P1627-1631 23. Fang Hairong, Fang Yuefa, Hu ming. ,forward position Analysis of A Novel Three DOF Parallel Mechanism. THE ELEVENTH WORLD CONGRESS IN MECHANISM AND MACHINE SCIENCE. TIANJIN CHINA, APRIL 1-4,2004.CHINA MACHINE PRESS,ISBN7-89492-107-6/TH.14,PP1219-1222(ISTP) 24. Fang Hairong, Fang Yuefa, Hu Ming. Structure Synthesis of Four-DOF Parallel Robot Mechanisms, Proceedings of the 6th. International conference on frointers of design and manufacturing,2004, Xian 25. Yuefa Fang and Lung-Wen Tsai, “Precise Path Tracking Through Singular Configurations Of Serial Manipulators,” accepted for presentation, Proceedings of the10th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Aug. 18-21, 2003, Tianjin, China 26. Hu zhunqing, Fang Hairong, Fang Yuefa. Study of solving for manipulator joint rates near singular configurations, The 17th IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and Power Engineering. 2002年10月.[ISTP检索] 27. Hu zhunqing, Fang Hairong, Fang Yuefa. A new solution algorithm for singularity control of serial manipulators, The 17th IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and Power Engineering. 2002年10月.[ISTP检索] 28. Hu zhunqing, Fang Hairong, Fang Yuefa. Kinematic Control of Six-Manipulators at singularity configurations. International Conference on Power Systems and Communication Systems Infrastructures for the future. 2002年9月.[ISTP检索] 29. Yuefa Fang, M. J. Goodwin, P. J. Ogrodnik, "Unbalance responses of a flexible rotor running in variable impedance journal bearings", Proccedings of International Conference on Mechanical Transmissions and Mechanisms, Tianjin, China, July 1997, pp269-272 30. Zhen Huang, Yuefa Fang "Motion characteristics and rotational axis analysis of three DOF parallel robot mechanisms" Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics, V1, 1995, Canada:67-71 [EI检索] 31. Yuefa Fang, M. Goodwin and P. Ogrodnik, "Measurement of the dynamic coefficients of journal bearing using modal testing technique", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Test and Measurement, Internation Acadamic Publishers, Taiyuan, Aug, 1995, pp429-431[EI检索] 32.Yuefa Fang, M. Goodwin and P. Ogrodnik "Theoretical Analysis of the Steady Load-Carrying Capacity of Recessed Oil-Film Bearings", Proceedings of the First Balkan International Conference on Tribology, October 1993 Sofia 33.Yuefa Fang, M. Goodwin and P. Ogrodnik "Steady-state Analysis of a NovelVariable Impedance Oil Film Bearing", Proceedings of the International Conference on Rotating Machine Dynamics, April, 1992 Venice, Italy 34.Yuefa Fang,T.H. Davies"Synthesis of Four-bar Function Generator Using Generalised Matrix Approach", Pceedings of the International Symposium on Linkage and CAD,July,1989 Rumania 教材: 黄真,孔令富,方跃法.并联机器人机构学理论及控制.机械工业出版社,1997. 专利: 1. 方跃法,房海蓉. 一种具有三移动和一转动的四自由度并联机器人机构,02158043.X 2. 方跃法,蔡隆文,房海蓉.一种三自由度转动并联机器人机构,02153745.3 3. 方跃法,张克涛. 一种具有两转动和一移动的新型三自由度并联机器人机构, 200710064987.3 4. 郭盛,方跃法,房海蓉. 转动副非过约束四自由度并联机器人机构,200710119597.1 5. 郭盛,方跃法,房海蓉.齿轮齿条副非过约束四自由度并联机器人机构,200710119598.6 6. 郭盛,曲海波,方跃法.内置并联机构型电厂落煤斗防堵装置,200810224284.7 |
2006年 国家科技进步一等奖,获奖项目:并联机器人机构的现代分析与综合理论
2000年 河北省科技进步一等奖,项目名称:《并联机器人机构学理论及控制》 1998年 北京市高等学校(青年)学科带头人 |